Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
me cameron daisy and willow

Thursday, 8 November 2007
the twins are here!
Well well well, im finally out of hospital as are willow and daisy, but before i rant about how pleased i am to have them home i'd like to begin by telling you all how silly midwives are!... i went into hospital on the monday morning after the sunday i posted the yummy chicken post, so two weeks ago i went into labour on tuesday having contractions all day starting at every seven minutes then every six then by eleven o'clock at night when they were every three the decided to put me on the moniter as they had been telling me i was just having cramps all day...the moniter said otherwise as did my tears....i know how cramps feel they utterly suck but they dont make me cry! anyways then after that i had to wait until half past 12 for the doctors to come see if i was in labour...i already knew but the midwives were not so sure, so the doctor came and backed up what i'd been saying all day....then they left me again until half past one with no pain killers or anything just some icy water woooo! anyways i went down to labour suite and got hooked up with gas and air and had a couple of kids 6 hours later....
anyways they are home now after a week of intensive care a few days of special care and another few days of transitional care...and 1 sleep in montrose infirmary and now we are home so im very happy cameron is loving being a big brother we gave the babies their first bath today and he was a great helper! anyways enough of typing im going to upload photos!
heart beki, dave, cambi, daisy and willow! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx