this is a watch for chloe i thought she'd like it better than the red one so i got this one instead.
make up to be split between chloe and amber and me haha
more make up to be split
lip balms for amber
lip balm for amber
make up for chloe
tote bag for amber
tote bag for chloe
make up brushes for amber
make up brushes for chloe
well i've just bought the finishing touches for amber and chloes package!
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
buying love part 2!
Sunday, 20 July 2008
So im building a package!
well up until i married dave i had never realised the preasure of auntiehood! i now feel pretty bad for my brothers and sisters as its a hard roll to live up to and cameron thinks they are all great so they must be good at it! anyways here's round one of buying my neices love!
I'm building a package for them only i noticed that because of the exchange rate right now if i go on the worldwide ebay rather than its soooo freakin cheap making it all the more apealing for me as it looks like i've spent a lot when in actual fact including shipping it has only come to like £20ish?!
rubies lunch pack shes only 1 and its the only think i could think of thats always handy for your kid to have while your out for the day or something
chloe and ambers stickers £1.50
chloes letter set £2.00
chloes watch 45p £1.25 postage
ambers watch 1p!!! but £1.25 postage woooo
chloe and ambers note pads £5.20 for two
amber and chloes pencils and pens £3.00
chloes and amber gucci rush (my fave) £5.00

ambers scrap book pack! £1.20

amber and chloes pens £1.00
so tell me how much do you wish i was trying to buy your love?!
beki xxx
Monday, 7 July 2008
and im back in the game!
ok so the girls are 9 months old..cameron is 5 years old dave is 32 years old next month and im 21 in september...thats when we should be sprogging our next baby, who it seems is going to be called ozzie.
we've just moved into our big posh house so its all go in the brennan house!but im really enjoying the space and the huge back garden! i'll have lots of photos up soon so you'll all feel as if you've walked through the whole place just shortly!
the girls are coming on soo fast daisy is crawling and will is just starting to as well its such a fun stage that we're at! cambi starts school after the summer so he's really excited about that!! he's also taking swimming lessons just now so thats fun for him too! i think school will be a break for him he helps so much with the girls! anyways its 11:30pm so im going to sleep!
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