well im 32 weeks pregnant with what is believed to be twin girls but the non matching kind.
So as my sister pointed out on her blog i have lost my mucus plug...lovely!
Although despite what she said dont return it...i don't want it back its gone....im ok with that if you find it just you keep it!the twins are about 4lbs each just now so thats pretty good.
i've been reading up on pregnancy and it says at 32 weeks i'll have put on 20lbs with just one baby so i'm wondering is im going to have lost at least 40lbs when i pop?!

Cameron has been building me lego gifts for the last week and they haven't come in handy at all until now today he make me a belly stand which he's tried to teach me to use it but i just dont seem to get it but the idea and the thought is the most lovely anyone has had for me yet! My son is the nicest little boy ever even if i do say so myself!
Mucus Plug! Woot! Yay for you starting a blog! This is handy because now you don't have to email me pictures you can just put them up here and I can see them AND read the stories behind them! Yaay! I love you and you better keep this thing updated!
Twins? How exciting, and i love the "belly stand" what a creative little guy you have...
Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy...
Oh and i love the name willow and daisy....
(ps, im a friend of laura's)
I am Karine (Aka Mystic)
WOW, your beautiful! Your son is adorable! I am so excited for you to have two beautiful babies soon. I will say a prayer that all goes well and they are healthy :)
I hope you have help :) I love that your sister loves you so much and thinks the world of you! I think that is really neat. I lost my sister when I was child and I have missed that bond. So treasure it :) I will try to keep posted to hear what you have and see pictures :)
GOOD LUCK! HUGS AND Thanks for letting me see your blog :)
How awesome for twins! If they are both 4 pounds that's not too bad. My little Lockestar was 5 lbs, and there was just one of him in there! You must be growing some great little girls!
I nearly wet myself when Laura explained to me what cameron was doing in the canoe with a life jacket on. I thought it was awesome that he was so very considerate of your belly...
So Cam's getting ready for your water breaking, huh? He must expect a flood! Feels like it sometimes when it's your water that breaking! At least he's prepared and thinking of you. What a cutie!
Too bad you didn't get much use out of the lego belly stand afterall... dang.
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